Counselling & Psychotherapy

Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga, Milton areas for Marriage Counselling, Couples Counselling, Stress and Depression Counselling, Life Transition Counselling Services Information

Fees for Services
Fees are payable at the end of each session either by cheque made out to Aurora Experience Inc. or cash. Alternately, you can pay by etransfer before or after each session.  As your fees may be tax deductible, a receipt will be issued monthly upon request for this purpose.
Some healthcare benefit programs cover the cost for a specific amount of counselling sessions.  It is important that you check your specific benefits package to see how much of the cost they will cover and whether that coverage extends to social workers (MSW). 

It will be your responsibility to pay for services and then remit your claim to your insurance company.  You will receive copies of invoices for this purpose.
Cancellation or no show policy
In order to make the best use of time and to be fair to other clients in the practice who from time to time request same day appointments, cancellations must be made at least 48 hours (2 business days) prior to your regularly scheduled session without incurring any fee charges.  However, if, for any reason, including illness, you need to cancel your session at short notice, you will be billed your regular fee.  If you neglect to come to a scheduled appointment, you will also be billed your regular fee.  If this presents a genuine hardship to you, please discuss it with me. 

Privacy and Confidentiality
The protection of your privacy and confidentiality are basic requirements provided in the course of treatment.  There are professional ethical obligations and provincial laws that require confidentiality of client’s information.
Should collaboration with other professionals be deemed appropriate, you will be asked to sign an informed consent document prior to any disclosure of information.
There are a number of exceptions to the confidentiality rule.  The conditions listed below require the therapist to provide information to concerned parties.  This will be done in compliance with the law and with your full knowledge.
  1. Information pertaining to child abuse cannot be held in confidence and is required by law to be reported to the nearest Children’s Aid Society.  If this is necessary, I will discuss with you my intention to report and every effort will be made to help you make the report yourself.
  2. Disclosure of information that indicates that you intend to harm yourself will be reported with your full knowledge to your family doctor and a close family member.
  3. Disclosure of information that indicates that you intend to harm another will be reported to both the police and when possible to the intended victim.  This is done to both prevent harm to the victim and to assist you in not engaging in behaviour that could result in significant consequences for you.
  4. Lastly, if your file is subpoenaed to court, all information in the file is subject to review by the court and its representatives. In addition, anything that you give me to add to the file, becomes part of the file and by law cannot be returned. In cases where the file is subpoenaed, this information must accompany the file.
Other than intake sheets, your paperless file is my property and will be retained for (7) years after your last session. It will then be deleted completely.
In the event that I am unable to be present for our session and unable to contact you myself, I will permit my business partner or a colleague to access your contact information only for the purpose of informing you of my absence. Further information will be available either on my voicemail, email bounce-back or my website.
Communications Policy
Requesting appointments, rescheduling or cancelling appointments can be done by email or by phone. If an email contains information about the counselling sessions, the email will be addressed in the next session instead of an email response. When the counselling is couple therapy, I request that you copy your partner with any email sent to me. I request that information is not transmitted by texting.
Please note that emails will be responded to during business hours. PDF invoices will be sent by email unless otherwise discussed.
I do not use personal social media accounts to connect with clients and do not accept ‘friend requests’. If we agree to have an online session, either Skype or FaceTime will be utilized.

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